challenging conventional thought, exploring conspiracy theories,
analyzing institutions, and promoting discussion

June 4, 2010

Mythbusters: "Moon Landing Conspiracy Theories"

Even if we did land on the moon, I think that it would have been a remarkable act of art, ingenuity, and cost-effectiveness if we had been able to stage the whole thing and pull it off. A faked moon landing, in my mind, would have been more impressive than the real thing. Alas, the folks at Mythbusters make that scenario look unlikely.

Part two:
Part three:
Part four:
Part five:


  1. Haha, I'm surprised you touched on this conspiracy theory before I did. I'm still unsure to this day how I feel about this one... But, I've heard some pretty compelling arguments that make me believe that, even if we did go to the moon, there's a good chance the footage was faked. I even heard a theory that Stanley Kubrick was contracted by the government to shoot the fake landing lol. But, this is one I haven't researched very thoroughly. Maybe this episode of Mythbusters will change my mind.

  2. If you still have doubts after watching this, you should definitely bring them up.

  3. OK OK. I'm convinced. haha. Moon landing conspiracy theory debunked.
